Febelfin Valuation Template

Stay up to date with the latest measures from the financial sector

The Febelfin Valuation Template is the Febelfin default template to exchange essential data from valuation reports for non-residential real estate in a structured and uniform way. 


The rules that are being imposed on banks by regulators and the European Commission regarding the valuation and monitoring of financed real estate have increased at an exponential rate in recent years. As a result, reporting obligations and expectations are being revised systematically by these institutions and European expectations are very high owing to the "Green Deal". 

Consequently, it is no longer sufficient to know the market value of the financed property, but it is additionally requested to include environmental aspects in the assessment of the property, which means that elements such as the EPC, flood risks, etc. become increasingly important. 

It goes without saying that the role of the real estate appraiser is crucial in this respect. Most of the parameters to be monitored are already reflected in the valuation reports.  

In order to map the capturing of essential data in a structured and uniform way, regardless of which bank the valuation report is requested or intended for, a model has been developed within Febelfin: the Febelfin Valuation Template (FVT).  

The FVT has been created as a default form in Excel, and appraisers are asked to use the FVT when valuing properties (excluding individual residential units). This allows appraisers to automatically link their internal process with the FVT. The FVT can be completed in Excel, but when sent, it is converted to a CSV file the banks will then proceed with. 


Febelfin is aware of the fact that the use of the FVT by all appraisers is a major milestone, but the harmonisation of data reporting offers benefits to everyone involved in "real estate value" and the real estate market in general:  

  • Unifying and structuring the basic data through the FVT offers the company the advantage that the FVT can be recovered for other banks than those who requested the estimation and with whom the company may wish to have a credit application examined.  
  • For appraisers, the FVT is useful as well: it offers them guidance and the possibility to know, regardless of which bank requests the estimation, which data the banks want to obtain as a minimum to assess the credit application correctly and in accordance with the legislation.    


  • As of today, appraisers can download the FVT from Febelfin's website and are asked to implement its use in their process as soon as possible. 

  • Febelfin is aiming for a general roll-out of the FVT starting from 1 January 2025. All appraisers are asked to always include the FVT in non-residential property valuation reports. All corporate finance banks and leasing companies offering real estate leases are asked to maximise awareness among appraisers to use and add the FVT in their valuation reports. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Febelfin via this mailbox.