Archive publications


Digitalization & innovation

Accessible banking under the microscope

Febelfin has been commissioning a study to examine the use of online banking in Belgium for five years. This study, carried out by research agency iVOX, provides valuable insights into how Belgians manage their banking and which trends are developing. Discover the latest results in our storytelling.


Fraud & security

Flyer with phone numbers of bank anti-fraud services

In this flyer, you can find all the phone numbers of Belgian banks that you can call 24/7 in case of suspected or actual online fraud.


Financing the economy

Financiering van de economie: nood aan reglementair kader dat evenwicht vindt tussen stabiliteit en ondernemerschap

In dit opiniestuk legt Geert Gielens, Chief Economist bij Febelfin, uit waarom extra investeringen nodig zijn om de Europese concurrentiekracht te versterken en hoe banken hierbij een cruciale rol spelen.