Fraud & security
From the results of the Febelfin study in collaboration with the research agency Indiville, it appears that cybercriminals sent out a massive number of phishing messages in 2023. How is the population’s knowledge regarding online fraud? What forms of fraud are current, how ‘safe’ do we behave when making online purchases, and do we still give away our codes as easily? Where does the sector focus on? Read all about it in our storytelling.
The transition to a more sustainable society poses major challenges. To meet climate targets, energy-efficient renovations of Belgian homes are crucial. This will require significant investments. Lending will therefore play an important role, especially because not all households have the means to finance these renovations. Febelfin works on solutions together with the government and stresses the importance of awareness and access to EPC data.
Working in the financial sector
2023 was yet another year of many social, political and economic challenges, in which Febelfin dedicated itself to contribute to a more sustainable, innovative and inclusive future. Febelfin represents the financial sector. But what does that mean exactly? What did Febelfin achieve in 2023 and what are the ongoing projects? Discover this in our latest annual report.
Digitalization & innovation
Online banking use is still on the rise. A fifth of Belgians (22%) say they did digital banking on their computer or through banking apps more often in 2023 than the year before, with the app, in particular, appearing to be overtaking PC use. However, even if physical appointments or cash withdrawals are becoming increasingly rare, the idea of having a bank branch or ATM nearby remains important to a large proportion of Belgians. Find out everything about it in this storytelling brochure.
Saving & investing
Do you have investments or wish to start investing? Or are your assets being managed? From 2 August 2022 onwards, you will be asked by your bank, insurer or intermediary agent whether you are interested in sustainable investment and insurance products.
Digitalization & innovation
Febelfin has been commissioning a study to examine the use of online banking in Belgium for five years. This study, carried out by research agency iVOX, provides valuable insights into how Belgians manage their banking and which trends are developing. Discover the latest results in our storytelling.
Financing the economy
In dit opiniestuk legt Geert Gielens, Chief Economist bij Febelfin, uit waarom extra investeringen nodig zijn om de Europese concurrentiekracht te versterken en hoe banken hierbij een cruciale rol spelen.