Basic banking service for individuals


People facing financial difficulties do not always easily obtain a checking account with a bank. For them, there is the basic banking service aimed at individuals. This page explains what a basic banking service entails for individuals.


How does the basic banking service work?

Without a bank account, you can hardly make payments or receive money. To prevent you from dropping out completely, all Belgian banks must offer you a basic banking service. This means that the bank gives you a current account with a debit card so you can carry out some basic transactions.


What does the basic banking service entail?


The basic banking service makes it possible to:

  • deposit and withdraw money
  • make transfers
  • make standing payment orders
  • perform direct debits
  • pay with a debit card but not with a credit card
  • use the bank's digital channels
  • receive statements: electronic or printed

You can only do these transactions if there is enough money in your account.

Who is entitled to the basic banking service?


Alle natuurlijke personen hebben recht op de basisbankdienst. De bank mag jouw aanvraag in principe niet afwijzen. Ook als je een collectieve schuldenregeling hebt, heb je recht op de basisbankdienst. Ook ondernemingen hebben recht op een basisbankdienst.

All private individuals are entitled to the basic banking service. In principle, the bank may not reject your application. Even if you have a collective debt arrangement, you are entitled to basic banking service. Companies are also entitled to (a specific) basic banking service.

In which cases can a bank refuse to offer the basic banking service? The bank can refuse to offer the basic banking service only in those cases where:
  • you already have a basic banking service at your disposal or another call deposit account, even with another bank;
  • you have accounts for an amount of at least 6,000 EUR. To this must be added the money on accounts held with other banks;
  • you have already signed credit contracts for an amount of at least 6,000 EUR;
  • you have committed fraud, misuse of trust, fraudulent bankruptcy, forgery, or money laundering.

Which banks offer the basing banking service for individuals?


All banks offeringcurrent accounts in Belgium. You can choose at which bank you request the basic banking service. The banks must make information about this service available free of charge, clearly and visibly in the branches.

How much does the basic banking service cost?


The basic banking service is not necessarily free. The maximum price for the basic banking service is adjusted annually according to the consumer price index.

How to ask for the basic banking service?


Contact the bank and ask for the basic banking service for individuals.

Can asylum seekers and recognised refugees ask for a basic banking service?


Yes, the basic banking service is also there for asylum seekers and recognised refugees. Even if they only have a temporary address.

How does the bank investigate the identity of asylum seekers and recognised refugees? The identity of asylum seekers and recognised refugees is established on the basis of proof of registration in the foreigners' register (e.g. an electronic residence card). If you do not have a certificate of registration, you will need one of the following documents:
  • the registration certificate provided by the community which serves as a temporary residence (the so-called ‘carte orange‘)
  • the registration of an application for asylum at the Foreigners’ Affairs Office (enclosure 26 or 26 quinquies in case of a multiple application)
  • a proof of an application for asylum upon the occasion of a border control (enclosure 25 or 25 quinquies in case of a multiple application)
  • a provisional certificate of residence (enclosure 15 when expecting a residence document)
  • a special residence document (enclosure 35 in case of an appeal made before the Counsel for Foreigners’ Disputes)

If the documents mentioned above are not available, in theory you can also use other documents listed in the other enclosures of the Royal Decree of October 8, 1981. However, it may take more time to process a request for a basic banking service on the basis of those documents.

In exceptional cases, your identity can also be established provisionally with a passport from a foreign government. Your identity is then established until you have a valid residence document from the Belgian government.