Wo.Men in Finance: more gender equality at management level in the financial sector

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Annual report of Wo.Men in Finance Belgium

In 2022, we are witnessing a positive evolution in terms of gender equality at all management levels for the first time. Women now represent 46.5% of middle management, 32.2% of senior management, 25.4% of executive committees, and 26.9% of boards of directors, according to the new annual report from Wo.Men in Finance Belgium. The report also provides an overview of all initiatives and tracks the evolution of diversity at all levels in the financial sector in 2022.


Also highlighted in the annual report: in 2022, the financial sector achieved its goal of 'gender balance,' with a representation of at least 40% of the gender previously less represented in terms of recruitment, talent pools, and promotions in leadership roles.


Four years after its establishment, Wo.Men in Finance, an association with 55 affiliated institutions and an accompanying charter, is considered a role model in its field in Belgium and Europe. The members, consisting of banks, insurance companies, and other businesses active in the financial world, representing over 90% of the financial sector, have joined forces to make progress together in the areas of diversity, equality, and inclusivity.


To learn more about the achievements and objectives of Wo.Men in Finance on the official website.