When are the bank branches closed?

Stay up to date with the latest measures from the financial sector

Wanneer sluiten de banken hun deuren?


Every year, the banks are closed for a certain number of days. These days are fixed beforehand in the PC310. This way, bank employees are well-prepared and bank customers can also take their precautions in time.


Here you can read which bank closing days 2024 has:

  • Monday 1 January: New Year's Day
  • Friday 29 March: Good Friday - replaces Sunday 21 July
  • Monday 1 April: Easter Monday
  • Wednesday 1 May: Labour Day
  • Thursday 9 May: Ascension Day
  • Friday 10 May: Day after Ascension
  • Monday 20 May: Whit Monday
  • Thursday 11 July : Flemish Community Holiday (banks close only in the municipalities falling under the jurisdiction of the Dutch-speaking Community - in Brussels, the banks remain open)
  • Thursday 15 August: Assumption Day
  • Friday 27 September: French Community Holiday  (banks close only in the municipalities falling under the jurisdiction of the French-speaking Community - in Brussels, the banks remain open)
    Remark: because this Community Holiday falls on a Saturday, it is replaced by an additional free day.
    The Community holiday is not fixed for the bilingual region of Brussels-Capital and the German-speaking region. It must be taken in consultation with the company management.
  • Friday 1 November: All Saints' Day
  • Monday 11 November: Armistice Day
  • Wednesday 25 December: Christmas Day
  • Thursday 26 December: Boxing Day

Banks remain digitally available at all times of the day


Banks remain digitally available at all times of the day