Sustainable living: what financing challenges do we face?

Stay up to date with the latest measures from the financial sector

2 min Reading time

The transition to a sustainable society poses major challenges. To meet the climate targets, energy-saving renovations of Belgian homes are crucial. This will require significant investments from individuals, companies and the government. Lending will play an important role in this respect, especially since not all households have the means to finance these renovations.


Widespread awareness of the need for these renovations will be important here. Even those who can finance these renovations need to be convinced of their importance in making the climate transition successful. For a successful transition, a clear, gradual and stable pass is necessary to keep everything practically feasible. It is therefore vital that all available awareness-raising and financing resources are now put into practice to achieve the 2050 targets.

Febelfin is therefore working with the government on solutions and emphasising the importance of awareness and access to EPC data.

Read all about it in this brochure.