Evolution of mortgage credit in November 2021

5 January 2022 - 3 min Reading time

The number of credit applications decreased by approximately 14.5% in November 2021 compared to November 2020. The corresponding total amount of these applications was 9% lower.


In November 2021, the number of granted loans also decreased by about 20%. In terms of the amount, 16.5% less credit was granted than in November 2020.

These figures are based on the mortgage credit barometer data from the Professional Association of Credit (BVK).

Om de evolutie van het hypothecair krediet sneller te kunnen volgen, stelt de Beroepsvereniging van het Krediet (BVK) sinds begin 2009 een hypothecaire-kredietbarometer op. Deze barometer geeft elke maand de evolutie weer van het aantal en volume nieuw toegekende en aangevraagde hypothecaire kredieten van de voorbije maand, in vergelijking met dezelfde maand van het voorgaande jaar. De vermelde percentages hebben betrekking op omzeggens de totaliteit van de BVK-markt van hypothecaire kredieten. De onderliggende absolute cijfers worden op trimestriële basis vrijgegeven via een persbericht van Febelfin.

Credit Applications


The following chart illustrates the evolution of credit applications, both in terms of amount and quantity, for the past twelve months. The monthly figures are compared to those of the same month in the previous year.

In November 2021, the number of applications for a mortgage loan decreased by approximately 14.5% compared to November 2020. In terms of the amount, there was a decrease of 9% compared to the previous year.

The decrease in the number of credit applications is evident across all categories: loans for home purchases (-7.5%), loans for home construction (-12%), loans for home renovation (-21%), and loans for purchase with renovation (-21.5%). The number of applications for external refinancing also saw a decline (-31%).

Granted Mortgage Loans


The following chart illustrates the evolution of granted mortgage loans, both in terms of quantity and amount, for the past twelve months. The monthly figures are compared to those of the same month in the previous year.

In November 2021, the number of granted mortgage loan agreements was approximately 20% lower than in November 2020. The corresponding credit amount also decreased by 16.5%.

The decrease in the number of granted loans is observed in almost all categories: loans for home purchases (-21%), loans for home renovation (-20.5%), and loans for purchase with renovation (-38.5%). External refinancing loans also saw a decline (-28%). Only the number of loans for home construction experienced a slight increase (+3%).