Energy crisis: 12,000 payment deferrals for home loans granted

19 April 2023 - 3 min Reading time

In the autumn of 2022, the financial sector has taken on a unique commitment to assist families as best as possible and to guide them through the energy crisis. Customers who were in financial difficulties could apply for a capital deferral for their home loan until the end of March 2023, if certain conditions were met.


A total of 11,946 payment deferrals were granted in a period of 6 months. Febelfin explains the final figures, now that the support measure from the banks in the context of the energy crisis has officially ended.

The final numbers

  • After the end of the support measure, at the end of March, payment deferrals were granted for a total of 11,946 home loans, of which 70% (or 8,347) within the Febelfin framework.
  • A payment deferral was granted for 30% (or 3,600 credits) outside the Febelfin framework (= by providing tailor-made solutions).

In total, almost 12,000 payment deferrals were therefore granted in 6 months.

The figures show that the banks fulfilled their commitment as payment deferrals were granted both within and outside the Febelfin framework. About 30% of all payment deferrals were granted outside the Febelfin framework, and therefore on an individual basis. This shows that the banks were ready to assist families with a tailor-made solution.


Average amount of payment break: 470 euros per month


The average amount of the payment break for the affected families is 470 euros per month. The families that have requested a payment deferral therefore have an extra monthly amount during 12 months with which they can pay their increased energy bills or more expensive groceries, for example. That monthly financial 'buffer' is therefore more than welcome for them in these difficult times.


Experiencing financial difficulties?

Do not hesitate to contact your bank in time.