Afraid that your financial burden of your business is getting too heavy? Talk to your banker!

Stay up to date with the latest measures from the financial sector

Afraid that your financial monthly burden will become too heavy after being fired or due to other unforeseen events such as a high energy bill? When you lose your job or you are temporarily unemployed, you have to deal with illness or other unforeseen events, your financial possibilities change. Your mortgage and other loans suddenly weigh much more heavily on your budget. Are you worrying about repaying your credit? Then contact your banker and talk about it.


Talk to your bankier before it's too late


Banks are ready to help you. Together and on good terms, you can look for a possible tailor-made solution to reduce your financial monthly burden. Talk the bank when you are having a hard time. Even if you are not yet in financial difficulties, you can ask your bank for help.

Febelfin has produced a handy leaflet with more information about which concrete measures can be considered to reduce the monthly financial burden of a mortgage loan.