Digital payments in corona times: these videos help everyone on their way

20 March 2020 - 2 min Reading time

Digital is more important than ever today. The measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus require us all to avoid travel and to arrange our daily lives digitally and remotely as much as possible. This is also the case for banking and payments.


The financial sector is aware that not everyone has the same digital skills. It is therefore important - especially in full corona times - to help these people arrange their payments digitally. Febelfin has already made a number of videos that simply show you how you can pay digitally.

Digital payment in the store: how do you do that?


Most shops are currently closed, but shops selling essential foodstuffs (supermarkets, bakers, butchers, pharmacists, etc.) remain open. And digital is the most appropriate way to pay for purchases. It is the most safe and hygienic.

Digital payments can be made in several ways:

  • by paying with the card
  • by paying contactless with the card
  • by paying with a QR code
  • by making contactless payments with your smartphone

Most digital payments are made in our country according to the first three ways. Febelfin has developed three videos that show very simply how each payment method works (only available in Dutch or French).