Digital banking for everyone

21 May 2019 - 3 min Reading time

Information sessions help consumers switch to digital banking


With the “J'adopte la banque digital” project, Digital Wallonia, Febelfin and the network “Espaces publics numériques de Wallonie” join forces to make the transition to digital banking easier for everyone.


Generally speaking, we are increasingly using online banking services. But this is not yet the case for all citizens. Some people need guidance to make the transition to digital with confidence. The campaign “J'adopte la banque digital” helps them with this.

Digitalization affects all aspects of our lives. Thanks to IT tools, we can simplify our lives in many areas and gain access to new services. But then we have to learn to use those tools.

With this project, the banking sector is really moving towards users of banking services, especially those who are less comfortable with IT tools. The focus is on digital inclusion and the benefits of digital banking, but also on the security of banking transactions.

Digital banking for everyone


Banking services are an excellent example of this evolution. Consulting our bank account or carrying out banking transactions can be done anywhere and anytime via our smartphone. In fact, it has been so successful that Belgians only go to the bank branch once or twice a year on average, even though they connect to their banking app more than 250 times.

On the other hand, there is also a part of the population that does not yet use its bank's digital services. Main reason: a lack of digital resources or knowledge. But doubts about the safety of such services also play a role. This digital divide manifests itself among some seniors and among people who do not have the necessary tools.

Based on this observation, Digital Wallonia, the banking sector and the network “Espaces publics numériques (EPN) de Wallonie” are joining forces. They organize a series of awareness sessions where they inform the public for free about the benefits of digital banking.

In practice


The "J'adopte la banque digital" campaign is launched in 12 municipalities in Wallonia. All residents who want to know more about the subject can attend an information session.

During such a session, participants discover which basic package of digital services is offered by banks and what the benefits are. Moreover, they learn the correct reflexes to perform digital transactions safely. Bank officials will also be present at all times. They answer questions from participants and give them the opportunity to register for individual guidance at a later time.

Participation in the sessions is free. Pre-registration is required. This can be done via the “Espaces publics numériques” of the participating locations.